At, we give extreme importance to privacy of our visitors. We do not do anything hidden without knowledge of our visitors because we believe it’s your right to know how we treat your privacy and so we have clearly outlines the types of information we ( received and collect and also how it is used. If you want more information, feel free to write us anytime at:
Information collected on a voluntary basis:
We,, collect personally identifiable information from the visitors to our website on a voluntary basis. Voluntary basis collected information may include Name, E-mail address and telephone number. You provide us this information only when you choose to subscribe to our Newsletter or contact us through our embedded ‘Contact-us’ form for any queries. We use this information of yours only to respond to your queries. We do not provide your information to any third parties.
Information collected through Cookies and Web Beacons: does use cookies to store information about visitors’ preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors’ browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.
Information collected through Log Files:
Like many other Web sites, we ( make use of log files. With these log files, we simply used them to analyze how visitors arrive and exit. The information in log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and a number of clicks to analyze trends, the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.
For such purposes, we use the following third party services:
- Google Analytics
To know how Google Services/ Google Analytics works, how they maintain privacy and how you can avoid their cookies & choose opt-out, you can visit the following official link of Google’s Privacy Policy Guide –
For Google Analytics/ Services:
Google Adsense Ad & Uses of DoubleClick DART Cookie:
We,, have some advertising partners who may use cookies and web beacons on our website. Recently Google serves Ad (commonly known as Adsense Ad) on
To serve ads on, Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies.
DoubleClick DART cookies help Google to serve ads to users based on their visit to and other websites on the Internet.
Our Visitors/Users may anytime opt-out of the use of DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at this web address:-
These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies (such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and/or to personalize the advertising content that you see.
We,, have no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers. privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or websites.
For more detailed information as well as how to opt-out of certain practices, you should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ads servers.
Facebook: Data Deletion Instruction
If you are a Facebook user then follow the following data deletion instruction. This instruction will help you to delete your activity logs for, you can remove your activities by the following instructions.
- Go to Your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click “Setting”.
- Then, go to “Apps and Websites” and you will see all of your Apps activities.
- Select the option box of
- Click “Remove” button.
- Congratulation, you successfully remove your activities.
Managing cookies in your Browser
Most browsers allow you to manage how cookies are set and used as you’re browsing, and to clear cookies and browsing data. Also, your browser may have settings allowing you to manage cookies on a site-by-site basis. For example, Google Chrome’s settings allow you to delete existing cookies, allow or block all cookies, and set cookie preferences for websites.
You can use your browser’s settings to remove or disable our website’s cookies.
Deletion of Data from our database
You can anytime delete your account & data from our website. To delete your account, follow the following steps:
- Login to your Dashboard
- Click “My Profile”
- At bottom of your profile page, click the button “Delete my Account”. A confirmation email will be sent to your registered email id.
- Go to your email and click the confirmation link.
- Clicking the confirmation link will completely wipe out your account and your personal information, if any, saved in our database. You will be redirected to an account deletion success page which will confirm that your account is deleted successfully.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page.
Contact us
For more information, you can contact us on