RRB Group D Practice Set 29

RRB Group D Practice Set 29 MCQ Series for CBT Exam

RRB Group D Practice Set 29 MCQ: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Group D Exam is a highly competitive exam conducted to recruit candidates for various posts in the Indian Railways, such as Track Maintainer Grade IV, Helper/Assistant in Electrical, Mechanical, and other departments, and various other technical and non-technical roles.

A good strategy involves practicing with free mock tests, which will help you familiarize yourself with the exam format and improve your chances of success.

RRB Group D Practice Set 29

RRB Group D Practice Set 29 MCQ

Here are the MCQs:

1. A: Be is given:
B = 1.212, B C = 152, and C D = 2:3. What is the ratio of B : D?

  • (a) 5:6
  • (b) 1:2
  • (c) 3:4
  • (d) 2:3

2. Gol Gumbaz is the tomb of King Muhammad Adil Shah. It is located in:

  • (a) Bundelkhand
  • (b) Bharatpur
  • (c) Panipat
  • (d) Bijapur

3. The value of 72 + 4 × (8 × 4 × (14 + 19)) is:

  • (a) 666
  • (b) 1296
  • (c) 444
  • (d) 222

4. Saral Das was a scholar of _______ literature, who gave a speech on his 600th birth anniversary in April 2021:

  • (a) Oriya
  • (b) Bengali
  • (c) Kannada
  • (d) Malayalam

5.The mean of the following set of numbers: 5, 4, 4, 6, 7, 6, 9, 7, 6, 5 is:

  • (a) 4
  • (b) 6
  • (c) 7
  • (d) 5

6. The area of a rectangular lawn is 7260 square meters, and the ratio of its sides is 5:3. The perimeter of the lawn is equal to the circumference of a circular garden. What is the area of the circular garden?

  • (a) 8712 square meters
  • (b) 9856 square meters
  • (c) 7260 square meters
  • (d) 9878 square meters

RRB Group D Practice Set 29

7. A product is sold at a 12% profit, and the 4% loss difference is 28 rupees. What is the cost price of the product?

  • (a) 168 rupees
  • (b) 175 rupees
  • (c) 196 rupees
  • (d) 189 rupees

8. Statements A and B are given. There may be a cause-and-effect relationship between the two. The two statements may be related to each other or may be independent causes with no relation. Examine the statements carefully and choose the correct option:

  • Statement A: KBCL has decided to sell their oil alliance.
  • Statement B: The alliance has increased the cost of oil collection last month.
    • (a) Both A and B are independent causes and effects.
    • (b) B is the cause and A is the effect.
    • (c) A is the cause and B is the effect.
    • (d) Both A and B are independent causes.

9. In June 2021, the Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh launched the ______ project with the aim to encourage students for digital education and increase the usage of digital devices in connected and unconnected areas:

  • (a) Yontab
  • (b) Disha
  • (c) Vidya
  • (d) Pragati

10. The value of 919 + 9.019 + 0.919 + 9.0019 is:

  • (a) 937.3999
  • (b) 973.9399
  • (c) 937.9399
  • (d) 973.9939

11. The selling price of two blankets is the same. One blanket is sold at a 66% profit, and the other blanket’s cost price is 400 rupees less than its selling price. If a total of 50% profit is made on selling both blankets, what is the selling price of each blanket?

  • (a) 1500 rupees
  • (b) 1510 rupees
  • (c) 1530 rupees
  • (d) 1520 rupees

12. In a battle, AB and CD meet outside a circle at point E. AB = 9 cm, AE = 12 cm, and ED = 4 cm. What is the length of chord CD?

  • (a) 5.5 cm
  • (b) 5 cm
  • (c) 4 cm
  • (d) 4.5 cm

RRB Group D Practice Set 29

13. Rohan sets out from his house to school. After walking 100 meters south, he turns west and walks another 50 meters. Then he turns right and walks 50 meters, and finally, he walks 100 meters to reach the school. In which direction is his school from his house?

  • (a) South-West
  • (b) South-East
  • (c) North-West
  • (d) North-East

14.Eight friends sit around a square table. Four sit at the corners, and four sit on the sides, facing the center. Manmeet and Jyoti are seated next to Ishan. There are three people between Harsh and Rekha. Nandan is in the third position to the right of Ishan. Paresh is the second person to the left of Manmeet. Who is sitting second to the right of Nandan?

  • (a) Rekha
  • (b) Meena
  • (c) Paresh
  • (d) Jyoti

15. According to World Bank data, what was the global birth rate (crude) in 2020?

  • (a) 46.43
  • (b) 20.56
  • (c) 11.20
  • (d) 17.98

RRB Group D Practice Set 29

Answers to the RRB Group D Practice Set 29 MCQ

Here are the answers:

  1. b
  2. d
  3. a
  4. a
  5. b
  6. b
  7. b
  8. b
  9. a
  10. c
  11. a
  12. b
  13. c
  14. c
  15. d

RRB Group D Practice Set 29

Category- Competitive Exam MCQs

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